Foundation Board Letter:
The Tekamah-Herman Community Schools has developed a reputation for excellence in education. The school district continues to strive to provide the best educational opportunities for the children of this school district.
As you are aware, public schools are finding it increasingly difficult to expand and enrich the programs offered by the school due to shrinking traditional tax sources. Our school foundation will allow a way for individuals, groups and businesses to help support the school district through tax deductible contributions. The Tekamah-Herman Public Schools Foundation is a legally incorporated nonprofit organization that has been established in accordance with existing state and federal tax laws. The foundation does not receive tax dollars, and the gifts it does receive do not replace tax dollars collected for the operation of the school.
The Tekamah-Herman Board of Education has appointed a five-member Board of Directors for the Foundation which is comprised of four members from the communities of Tekamah and Herman and a representative from the Board of Education. The members of the Board of Directors do not receive any tax-deductible compensation for their service.
The money donated to the Tekamah-Herman Public School Foundation, as stated in the Articles of Incorporation are to be used “for the benefit of or to carry out the purposes of the School District of Tekamah-Herman.” Foundation funds will be used to benefit the students who are attending or have attended the Tekamah-Herman Community Schools.
The Tekamah-Herman Public Schools Foundation Board of Directors invites you to join us in this important and exciting endeavor. Gifts or bequests to the Foundation can be a lasting tribute to a loved one, a part of estate planning or simply a way to say “thanks” to the school that provided you with your education. All gifts are tax deductions.
All gifts, large or small, are greatly appreciated. If you have any questions regarding the Foundation, feel free to call any Foundation Board member or the superintendent of schools.
President, Board of Directors
Tekamah-Herman Public Schools Foundation
Board Members
Sarah Chatt
JoAnn Wragge
Pat Andersen
Sheryl Stansberry
R. Dean Chase
Contact Information:
Sarah Chatt, Secretary-Treasurer
940 CR 31
Tekamah, NE 68061
402-870-0757 – cell
[email protected]